When Was the Last Time You Had Your Furniture Cleaned?

If you can’t remember the last time you had your furniture cleaned, it’s been too long. You might notice that your favorite chair is looking a little weathered and smelling less than fresh. Furniture is an important part of our homes and should be treated as such.

Quality furniture is an investment. And the best way to protect your investment and keep it looking its best is by having it cleaned regularly. An experienced and knowledgeable company can clean your furniture safely and effectively and advise you on how often to have it cleaned, based on its type and usage.

What’s more, cleaning soft surfaces like cloth and leather regularly is vital for both the longevity of the piece and your health. Toxins and pollutants can build up on these surfaces over time, causing the fabric to degrade quicker and can potentially harm your health. By removing these contaminants regularly, you can help keep both your furniture and yourself in the best shape.

Throwaway furniture is one of the biggest contributors to landfills. But when you regularly maintain your quality furniture, you’re increasing its longevity and doing your part to reduce environmental waste. And doesn’t it feel good to know that by taking care of your belongings, you’re also taking care of the environment?!

So, next time you’re looking at your dingy sectional, don’t just think about how much of an eyesore it is. Instead, consider all the reasons why you should reach out to Rugsies—for your own health and wellbeing and for the environment. Your furniture will thank you for it!

Boat and Yacht Cleaning: The Dangers of Using Water and Liquids

As the summer season approaches, boat and yacht owners will spend more time on the water. And, of course, a day on the water means a day of cleaning and maintenance. As a rule of thumb, a boat should be cleaned as often as it’s used. But there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way.

When it comes to boat and yacht cleaning, many people wrongly assume the best way to do it is to use soap and water or another liquid cleaner. However, that’s actually one of the worst approaches, as it can cause a lot of damage in the long run.

One of the biggest dangers of cleaning with water or other liquids is that it can contribute to the already high humidity levels on a boat. This extra moisture can cause mold and mildew to form on soft surfaces. These fungi thrive in damp environments, and using water to clean a water vessel creates the perfect conditions for them to flourish.

Another problem with cleaning with water is that it can damage the electrical systems. These systems are designed to work in specific environmental conditions, and adding extra moisture can cause components to short circuit or fail.

So, what’s the best way to clean a boat, if not with water? The answer is simple: a moisture-free method such as a dry-cleaning agent specifically designed for upholstery. Not only is it better for your boat, but it’s also better for the environment. Cleaning with water means the dirty runoff contaminates the oceans and bays. But a dry-cleaning method helps keep our waterways clean. Plus, a dry extraction system leaves surfaces nearly dry and ready for re-enjoying the open.

So, next time the soft surfaces of your boat or yacht need cleaning, reach out to Rugsies. Your boat – and the planet – will thank you.

Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Carpets After A Professional Cleaning

If you’ve just had your carpets professionally cleaned, congratulations! You have made an excellent investment in the appearance and health of your home. But it’s important to remember that proper maintenance is essential to preserving the results of your cleaning.


Here are five tips for keeping your carpets looking and smelling great long after the professionals have left!


1. Wait before walking. Once your carpets have been cleaned, try to keep everyone off of them for a few hours. This will give the carpet time to dry completely and prevent any dirt or debris from getting trapped in wet fibers.

2. Take your shoes off. One of the best ways to keep carpets clean is simply taking your shoes off when you enter the home. The bottom of your shoes is full of dirt, mold, bacteria, and other gross things you can transfer to your.

3. Vacuum regularly. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s crucial to vacuum your carpets regularly. This will help to remove any dirt or debris since your last cleaning.

4. Clean up messes immediately. We know life is messy, especially when you have children and pets, which is why it’s important to clean their messes immediately. Because the longer a mess sits, the more likely it will become a stain.

5. Blot, don’t rub. If and when you do spill something on your carpet, blot the stain. Rubbing it will only spread the stain, making it harder to remove.


Following these tips will help keep your carpets looking and smelling great until the next time you schedule an appointment. And if the time is now, contact Rugsies today.

Three Reasons Why You Should Schedule Carpeting Cleaning

Carpeting is an excellent choice for a home when you’re looking for comfort and appearance. But it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it feature. Like most things in your home, carpeting should be cleaned regularly. Not only will frequent cleanings prolong the lifespan of your carpeting and keep your home looking inviting, they benefit your health.

Here are a few of the health benefits of professional carpet cleaning.

Removes pollutants.

Your carpet is like a grandmother’s purse, collecting all sorts of things. But, unlike nana’s purse, which is filled with fun things like hard candies, restaurant sugar packets, tissues, and old lipsticks, your carpet collects dirt, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and insect particles. These pollutants, released into the air in your home through daily activity, can cause and exacerbate respiratory and allergy problems.

Prevents mold and mildew.

Mold and mildew can grow on carpet and go undetected for years. You might not even know it’s growing underfoot unless you pull up the flooring. Mold growth can lead to ailments such as chronic allergies, bronchitis, and asthma.

Prevents an infestation of dust mites.

Dust mites are tiny bugs that thrive on the dust and dander that accumulate on household items like furniture, bed linens, and carpets. While they might be visible only through a microscope, they can cause enormous health problems. Your carpet can house as many as 2,000 dust mites. Each of those mites may leave as many as 20 droppings a day, which you unknowingly kick into the air. 2,000 x 20 x the last time you had your carpet cleaned. We’ll let you do the math. Keeping your carpets clean benefits the look of your home and, most importantly, the health of you and your family. Contact Rugsies today to schedule an appointment at info@www.rugsies.com or call us at (305)867-3279.

3 Important Reasons You Should Schedule a Deep Clean Before the Holidays

The holiday season is here! Your to-do list is probably overflowing with planning, and shopping, and celebrating. And carpet cleaning might be the last thing on your mind right now. But before you deck the halls or hang the stockings, we encourage you to make an appointment to have your carpets, floors, rugs, and upholstery professionally cleaned. Family and friends will soon be gathering for the holidays. But, even if it’s a small gathering, there are several reasons not to delay a holiday deep clean.


The fibers in your carpets, rugs, window treatments, and upholstery can trap a variety of airborne pollutants, allergens, toxins, and bacteria. While regular vacuuming can help reduce their accumulation, it can’t remove them as thoroughly as a professional carpet cleaning. We all have a heightened awareness of health right now. A deep cleaning will remove dirt and toxins, improve the air quality, and reduce anxiety.


During the holidays, you want your home to smell of freshly baked treats and balsam fir; not your kiddos spilled milk or your puppy’s latest accident. You might think you cleaned up the messes well, but there’s always a lingering smell until the area is thoroughly and professionally cleaned.

Stubborn Stains

You’re putting a lot of thought and effort into creating a gathering everyone enjoys and appreciates. Don’t let stains and ground-in dirt take center stage. The Rugsies stain removal experts will use all their know-how and specially-designed keep guests focused on your beautiful setting, not your stained carpets. The holidays can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re hosting a gathering. Don’t let the cleaning prevent you from enjoying this joyous time of year. Contact Rugsies today to schedule an appointment.